Dancing on the Inside – the legacy of Simon Fildes

 Registration is closed for this event
This evening offers an insight into the work of Simon Fildes, a Scottish filmmaker of international repute. His films of dance and movement are renowned for their innovative and engaging approaches.

We’ll be showing a film compilation of some of Simon’s works: first six short films exemplifying Simon’s body of work, and then the film ‘Do you mind…can I ask (what happened to your legs)".

Simon Fildes was a sufferer of MS (Multiple Sclerosis). He was often asked ‘I hope you don’t mind my asking, what happened to your legs.’ This phrase stuck in his mind and he came to plan a film with that title. He said of the film, ‘It’s for anyone who has a degenerative condition that is incurable, and, if you think about it, that’s everybody. Okay.’

He sadly never lived to make this film, but after his death, those involved in the project decided it was an important film to be made. We’ll have with us some of the people who worked on this project to answer our questions and provide context. This will be the second showing of this film in Edinburgh.

A little more about Simon. His undergraduate degree was in biology; he acquired a Master of Sciences in Sustainable Management. He was an active member of the Scottish Greens and served as an elected member of the Branch Committee of Edinburgh Greens as Communications Co-ordinator.

April 23rd, 2024 from  7:00 PM to  9:30 PM
Grassmarket Community Project
86 Candlemaker Row
Edinburgh, Edinburgh, City of EH1 2QA
United Kingdom
Event Fee(s)
Ticket £10.00